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Careers Education Information:

The Gatsby Benchmarks are a key component of the Government’s careers strategy, which aims to guide schools on the implication of pragmatic actions which could improve the careers guidance that they give to their young people.

The benchmarks were devised from Sir John Holman’s 2013 research and identified that high-quality career guidance can be a vehicle for social mobility and close the gap for those young people without social capital or home support.

The eight benchmarks are as follows:

1. A stable careers programme

2. Learning from career and labour market information

3. Addressing the needs of each student

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

5. Encounters with employers and employees

6. Experiences of workplaces

7. Encounters with further and higher education

8. Personal guidance


Rowhill School is committed to fulfilling our statutory obligations concerning CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) which includes the Gatsby Benchmarks, to maximise the life chances of our students. The school is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education, information, and guidance for all students. We are committed to tailoring CEIAG activities and guidance to the needs and interests of each individual student.

Teachers, who would like extra support in embedding careers education into their subjects or who would like to be connected to potential guest speakers for their subjects, can email Mrs S Griffey in school who will be happy to guide them further.