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Kent Local Education Authority places a duty on Head teachers to report any unexplained or repeated injury or concern to Social Services including non-accidental injury, severe physical neglect, emotional abuse and/or sexual abuse. The procedure is intended to safeguard pupils who may be at risk and schools are encouraged to take the attitude that where there are grounds for investigation.  Whenever it is necessary to report an incident to Social Services we will make every endeavour to contact parents to inform them that a referral is being made. It is not a procedure that is undertaken without a great deal of thought. It does mean that the Designated Safeguarding Lead may risk upsetting some parents by reporting a case which, on investigation, proves unfounded. In such circumstances, it is hoped that parents will accept that the Designated Safeguarding Lead has the child’s best interest at heart. I am sure that we are all aware of sad cases reported in the press where incidents have not been reported and a child has been subjected to unnecessary suffering and we would all wish to avoid any possibility of such an occurrence.

For a wider set of Safeguarding related polices see below.