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Teaching and Learning

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Mission statement

Rowhill School expects that all students should aspire to be:

  • successful learners
  • confident individuals
  • responsible citizens
  • effective contributors

Aims of Rowhill:

  • maintain a learning environment that provides equal opportunities for all, regardless of ability, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender.
  • enable learners to realise their potential by providing an inclusive and creative curriculum which is accessed via a range of differentiated teaching and learning styles.
  • address barriers to learning for individual pupils by the use of appropriate strategies, targeted work and interventions.
  • ensure that any additional and different provision needs for individual learners are met through Individual Provision Plans, Interventions and Personalised Learning Targets.
  • link whole school learner additional and different provision needs to school target setting and the School Improvement Plan.
  • meet learners personal, physical, social, emotional and mental health development needs and to encourage and reward the acquisition of moral values.
  • promote an environment in which learners are safe, happy, feel valued as individuals and learn to co-operate with others.
  • prepare learners to cope with the demands of Life in Britain in their local community and where appropriate within the world of work.
  • To safeguard pupils from radicalisation and extremism.
  • maximise opportunities for home/school/community liaison and to actively encourage parental and community involvement in the life and work of the school.
  • share advice, support and expertise with other schools, colleges and agencies through the Specialist Teaching and Learning Service and through Ksent.
  • provide members of staff with a comprehensive and supportive programme of Induction, Training, Appraisal and Continuing Professional Development opportunities.
  • build Self-Evaluation practices that raise standards in all aspects of school life and are quite clearly at the heart of all Monitoring, Evaluation and Review systems.


This policy reflects the school values and philosophy in relation to teaching and learning. It sets out a framework within which all staff can operate and gives guidance on practice within school. Its purpose is to impact positively on classroom practice and to ensure that it promotes high expectations of staff and pupils about pupil achievement, teaching standards, and the learning environment.


Through the teaching and learning that takes place at Rowhill School, our aims are:

  • For all pupils to make outstanding progress from their individual starting point.
  • For all pupils to have equality of opportunity regardless of ability, needs or socio-economic background.
  • For all pupils to manage their Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs in a way that supports their learning.
  • For all pupils to gain the highest level of independence possible.
  • For all pupils to be engaged fully as active participants in their learning.
  • For all pupils to be prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of their next stage of learning through to adulthood.

Principles for Effective Teaching and Learning


Rowhill uses targeted interventions to support pupils who are not making the expected rate of progress. Teacher assessment data is evaluated and pupils are then referred for a specific and targeted intervention to address the pupils area of concern. Teachers work closely with the intervention provider to evaluate pupils’ progress and the impact of the intervention. Each intervention will be reviewed and new data and an outcome will be shared with the class or subject teacher. The Deputy Headteacher monitors each intervention by observation, discussion and the Impact Intervention Sheet (Appendix1)

Monitoring and Evaluation

Rowhill School expectations are:

Maintaining the quality of teaching is central to ensuring outstanding pupil progress. The school expects100% of lesson observations to be good or outstanding.

  • Teachers will be formally observed in the classroom by a member of the Senior Leadership Team six times per year. Further informal observations may take place for example learning walks and drop in observations.
  • Teachers will receive verbal and written feedback promptly.
  • In order to ensure that quality is maintained relative to other similar establishments, external professionals, such as LA School Improvement Officers, and senior leaders from partner special schools, will be used to provide an external measure of quality assurance.
  • If a lesson is graded as Requires Improvement a support plan will be developed. If a teacher continues to have lessons graded Requires Improvement they will be moved to informal capability and the support package strengthened for up to 6 weeks. Notice of a move to Formal capability procedures will be given where there is a failure to improve the quality of teaching after 2 to 3 observations.
  • The SLT will carry out work scrutiny at regular intervals to monitor the quality of marking and feedback to pupils.
  • Rigorous moderation will underpin the monitoring of assessment. Moderation will take place at department, whole school and inter-school levels.
  • External moderation validation will take place as directed by the Local Authority supported by the KASS group.

Equality and Diversity

Rowhill School is committed to equality of opportunity for all pupils and staff in which people treat each other with mutual respect, regardless of: age, disability, family responsibility, marital status, race, colour, ethnicity, nationality, religion or belief, gender, gender identity, transgender, sexual orientation, trade union activity or unrelated criminal convictions.  We strive to educate, promote and celebrate the wider diversity of society within our school community.

Health and Safety

It is the duty of all staff to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others that may be affected by their actions. Individual subject policies outline health and safety considerations relevant to that particular subject.